The Food-Water-Energy Nexus and the Challenge to Sustainability, Water Lecture Series Monday, Apr 15, 2013 5:00 pm, Sheerr Room, Fay House, 10 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Peter P. Rogers, Gordon McKay Research Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Moderator: Joanna Aizenberg, director of the science program of Academic Ventures at the Radcliffe Institute, the Amy Smith Berylson Professor of Materials Science at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, professor of chemistry and chemical biology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, a director of the Kavli Institute for Bionanoscience, and a founding core faculty member at the Wyss Institute
Over the past few decades the world has undergone five major global transitions around the nexus of food, water, and energy. These transitions include urban population transition, with the majority of the global population now residing in cities; nutrition transition, with demand for new foodstuffs that rely on increased consumption of animal products and other high-value foods; climate transition, with increased temperature and uncertain water supplies; agricultural transition, with huge increases in food demands; and energy transition, with a move from cheap fossil fuels to renewable energy resources. These changes have happened so fast that well-tried solutions and historically based planning to water-management problems are no longer viable. The result is a mismatch between populations and available resources. In his talk, Rogers will explore this ever-developing nexus and its challenge to sustainability.
Lecture is free and open to the public. Doors open at 4:45 p.m.; lecture begins at 5 p.m.