www.greendecade.org 617-965-1995
Sustainable Solutions for the 21st Century
Sustainable Solutions for the 21st Century
Newton's Rachel Carson Day May 27 Keeps Her Legacy Alive*
Whereas we believe in the power of the individual to make a difference; and
Whereas Rachel Carson's birthday, May 27, is an annual opportunity to remember the biologist, ecologist and author and celebrate her legacy; and
Whereas, Rachel Carson taught us that our health is intimately connected to the health of our environment, and that we must remain diligent to protect the natural ecosystem to maintain the health of the world’s citizens; and
Whereas the publication of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring in 1962 generated a worldwide environmental movement and led to the creation of the U.S. EPA, the U.S. ban on DDT, and environment regulations such as the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act; and
Whereas Rachel Carson faced overwhelming illness and adversity, and yet retained her unwavering motivation to speak out about the hazards of pesticides due to her unabashed love of nature and sense of responsibility for human health and the public interest; and
Whereas, raising awareness of Rachel Carson's life and legacy can inspire citizens to get involved in efforts to protect our water, food and air from the contamination;
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that I, David B. Cohen, Mayor of the City of Newton, do hereby proclaim
and do further call on our citizens to remember the power of Rachel Carson’s words and the example of her life. With a determined collaboration, we can together promote the health and preservation of our environment; and commit to ecological and sustainable principles for landscaping and pest control in our homes, schools, neighborhoods, and throughout our community.
Whereas Rachel Carson's birthday, May 27, is an annual opportunity to remember the biologist, ecologist and author and celebrate her legacy; and
Whereas, Rachel Carson taught us that our health is intimately connected to the health of our environment, and that we must remain diligent to protect the natural ecosystem to maintain the health of the world’s citizens; and
Whereas the publication of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring in 1962 generated a worldwide environmental movement and led to the creation of the U.S. EPA, the U.S. ban on DDT, and environment regulations such as the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act; and
Whereas Rachel Carson faced overwhelming illness and adversity, and yet retained her unwavering motivation to speak out about the hazards of pesticides due to her unabashed love of nature and sense of responsibility for human health and the public interest; and
Whereas, raising awareness of Rachel Carson's life and legacy can inspire citizens to get involved in efforts to protect our water, food and air from the contamination;
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that I, David B. Cohen, Mayor of the City of Newton, do hereby proclaim
May 27, 2009
Rachel Carson Day
In the City of Newton
Rachel Carson Day
In the City of Newton
and do further call on our citizens to remember the power of Rachel Carson’s words and the example of her life. With a determined collaboration, we can together promote the health and preservation of our environment; and commit to ecological and sustainable principles for landscaping and pest control in our homes, schools, neighborhoods, and throughout our community.
• Charlene Brotman, a board member of the Rachel Carson Council, Silver Spring Maryland (rachelcarsoncouncil.org), a national clearinghouse of inspiration and information for scientists and the public about pesticides, their dangers, and alternative pest controls.;
• Marcia Cooper, President of the Green Decade Coalition/Newton (greendecade.org), one of the most influential grassroots organizations in Massachusetts and a leader in our community for environmental action;
• Ellie Goldberg and Maeve Ward, Green Decade’s Committee for Alternatives to Pesticides and Organic Gardening and Landscaping Committee; and
• Aaron Toffler, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Lasell College (lasell.edu), provides students with the opportunity to examine the connections between the environment and local and global communities.
- June 17 at 1:30 pm, the public is invited to a screening of the beautiful new dramatic film, A Sense of Wonder, about the last year of Rachel Carson's life after the publication of the book Silent Spring as she struggles to defend her message of environmental stewardship and fight a secret battle with breast cancer. At the Newton Senior Center, 345 Walnut Street, Newtonville, MA.
- May 28 at 7 pm Growing up Green(er) at the Newton Free Library, featuring Newton students from elementary, middle and high schools showcasing their school and community environmental projects.