
Why Carson still inspires 
Wednesday Journal, Tuesday, January 31st, 2012, Peggy McGrath, One View

Whenever I try to point out the debt of gratitude we owe to Rachel Carson, the response is often, "I know the name," but not much else.

I was in that camp myself until several years ago when I read her book, Silent Spring.

At that time, several women and I were concerned with the chemical spraying of mosquitos in Michigan. And there in her book, written 50 years ago, the same chemical was defined as toxic. What? Fifty years ago? That was when my exploration of environmental concerns intensified and became more focused.

2012 is the 50th anniversary of Silent Spring. What a perfect time to acknowledge Rachel Carson and reiterate her message. With political attacks on the EPA and existing environmental laws, we need her voice more than ever. It is acknowledged that without her book, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Air and Clean Water acts, and numerous other environmental agencies would not exist.

READ MORE http://www.oakpark.com/News/Articles/01-31-2012/Why_Carson_still_inspires