Low Doses, Big Effects: Scientists Seek 'Fundamental Changes' in Testing, Regulation of Hormone-Like Chemicals
doses can have big health effects. That is a main finding of a new
report, three years in the making, published Wednesday by a team of 12
scientists who study hormone-altering chemicals. Dozens of substances
that can mimic or block hormones are found in the environment, the food
supply and consumer products, including plastics, pesticides and
cosmetics. One of the biggest controversies is whether the tiny doses
that most people are exposed to are harmful. Researchers led by Tufts
University’s Laura Vandenberg concluded after examining hundreds of
studies that health effects “are remarkably common” when people or
animals are exposed to low doses. "Fundamental changes in chemical
testing are needed to protect human health," they wrote.
Environmental Healthy News
[Author Marla Cone]