Global Environmental Services
E-waste is a serious issue, as seen in the documentary Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground. Here is a company that is doing something about it! Global Environmental Services works with an extensive network of OEM(TM)s and product brokers on the recovery side of the electronics industry. They can provide accurate and up to the minute pricing for used technology for any model, configuration, or condition of equipment. GES also has the expertise to provide the same information at the component level. This network allows GES to provide consistent product availability and pricing information. GES works to solve problems, not relocate them. Loading a container and shipping scrap indiscriminately is reckless. They follow best practices of recycling in the best interest of the environment and require all of their downstream partners to do the same. GES is currently being audited to become an e-Steward!
Click here to learn more about Global Environmental Services!