Naomi Oreskes, Professor of History and Social Science at the University of California, San Diego and author of Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco to Global Warming
Peter Siver, Professor of Botany and Director of the Environmental Studies Program at Connecticut College
Helen Rozwadowski, Associate Professor of History, University of Connecticut
Wendy Blake-Coleman, Office of Environmental Information, Environmental Protection Agency
Following the panel until 6:00 PM, there
will be a reception in the Charles E. Shain Library and viewing of the
exhibit Rachel Carson's Silent Spring: Rumblings of an Avalanche. The
exhibit draws on material from the Rachel Carson Collection in the Lear
Center for Special Collections & Archives illustrating the growing
concern around DDT in the 1950s, Carson's plans for a book on the
overuse of pesticides, the publication of Silent Spring, and the
response to the book by the federal government, the pesticide industry,
and the general public.
The day's events will conclude with a
lecture at 7:30 PM in the Ernst Common Room, by ecologist, author, and
environmental advocate Sandra Steingraber. A cancer survivor, Dr.
Steingraber has written extensively on the intersection of the
environment and public health first in 1997 with Living Downstream: An Ecologist's Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment and later with Having Faith: An Ecologist's Journey to Motherhood. Steingraber's most recent book, Raising Elijah
is a call to action for what she calls the greatest moral crisis of our
time: the environmental crisis.
Sandra Steingraber has been heralded as
"the new Rachel Carson" for her ability to translate current scientific
research for the general public. She has participated in briefings of
the United States Congress, the United Nations, and the President's
Cancer Panel and has been a guest on The Today Show and Good Morning
Five Decades after Silent Spring is being
made possible by the Sound Lab Foundation, the Friends of the
Connecticut College Library, Connecticut College Information Services,
the Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives, the
Goodwin-Niering Center for the Environment, and Dr. Linda Lear.
For more information about the day's events
or the Rachel Carson Collection at Connecticut College, please contact
Benjamin Panciera at benjamin.panciera@conncoll.edu or by telephone at 860-439-2654.